#24 – Zac Crockenburg

Name: Zac Crockenburg

From: Seminole Florida

Age: 20 

Decoy: 12 y/o Boy

Chat Logs = https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10UqM3xG8WvTJczp_4uOW4Hfbo3vidREJ


5 thoughts on “#24 – Zac Crockenburg”

  1. Tobias Turner

    This one really pissed me off, I get that people sometimes don’t know what’s going on but at the same time it’s like mind your fucking business if you don’t understand what is going on and for the people that were more upset about you then the fact that this guy was trying to have sex with a child is disturbing, it absolutely takes everyone to put an end to this vile stuff I hope they all felt stupid af when they realized you were telling the truth.

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