#25 – Rigel Lugones

Name: Rigel Lugones

From: Largo Florida

Age: 25

Decoy: 14 y/o Boy

Chat Logs = https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10bVUn8giEdSUSPvXx86BBvLrHFXDYcuF

24 thoughts on “#25 – Rigel Lugones”

  1. I was a Spanish and Italian teacher for over 20 years. If you ever need a translation, feel free to reach out. I have a lot of free time.

  2. Wow he really try to play it off like he’s innocent. He’s also annoying calling you “baby”, like no stfu. Nasty ass person with no shame and that female that took him in the car is as disgusting as him. Thank you guys for exposing these people and protecting the children. I stay more aware even more because I have children so this is helpful to us parents.

  3. This is sad I checked out his insta and somehow this creep hasn’t been caught or anything. I almost thought of copy and pasting the link to this video and evidence under his pictures. He was so annoying saying “baby” after his dumb lies it made me so mad.

    1. He is working at a gay strip club in Tampa called Johnson’s, 2606 N. Armenia. Recognized him last Saturday night. Knew it was him for sure when he called me “baby”. He is using the stage name “Chico”.

  4. this shit is disgusting. i am in awe of how you guys kept your cool, i would of punched him right then and there.

    1. Maryann Hudson

      He works currently (July 8, 2023) at a gay strip club called Johnson’s, 2606 N. Armenia Ave., Tampa, FL. Recognized him from your video. Saw him there again July 22, 2023.

      1. Totally agree that he’s disgusting and gross. And karma will get him. Also, one of the comments here is homphobic and toxic – not even going to repeat the word. So the comment board should be monitored for toxic comments as well.

      2. He is sales staff at Armani Exchange at International Plaza in Tampa. Looked him up on LinkedIn and he is falsifying his employment as Giorgio Armani and for a year longer than is true. He is hiding something. He is a fake.

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