Pred: Hey my love. Baby, pass me your mom please. (Once the wife gets on the phone) I’m in a problem. And they want to talk to you.”
Wife: “What happened?”
Pred: “I really messed up, and came to meet with a girl who’s 14, and they got me. And they wanna hear from you..” (To PTI) “What is you wanna hear from her? Talk to her.”
Wife: How are you going to get with a minor! You Fked up like always. My god!
Pred: Yea, so..
Wife: What do you want me to do? I can’t do anything!
Pedo: I am calling you cause I am in trouble Mommy, I put in the feet (slang for I f***ed up)
*Mom listening*
Pedo: I started a conversation with a little girl who is 14 years old, Mommy and they caught me.
*Mom distraught in Spanish*
Mom: How did you not her age?
Pedo: I did, she told me and stuff. I was in there and I fell (expression meaning “I was caught”). I was not there to harm her, she told me it was raining and walking and it broke my heart so I came…….and I was afraid…um so now..I’m caught. No, I am telling the truth, you think I’m lying…….and well that is what happened mommy.
Mom: My son, so….
Pedo: Whatever happens happens, please take care of my daughter and blessings.
Mom: call me when….
Pedo: Yes mommy I’ll call you.
Mom: are they gonna take you?
Pedo: I don’t know mommy, there is a chick but I honestly don’t know.
Mom: But are you sure you knew her age? Did the little girl tell you?
Pedo: Yes, she told me, I was talking to her in a calm way and you know….
Mom: so nothing happened what had to happened?
Pedo: No mommy, nothing, I didn’t do anything, I was respectable
Mom: You have always been respectful.
pEDO: I would tell her “baby girl” and that stuff and they take it as something bad, and I am trying explain….
Mom: But that is not how you usually talk.
Pedo: I am trying to apologize…
*PTI interjects and explains*
Pedo: The dad of the girl is here and asked me how I would feel as a father as well (in regards to this situation), and I told him that I should’ve talked with him cause the girl didn’t like… I saw the girl was mature, make she did not like being taken advantage of (mangoneado) with this and that, honestly. I because I saw this, I had to come to talk with her.
Mom: That was your mistake/error.
Pedo: but that was the error, I see good or bad thing I am in the piss. And I feel bad because what would happen with this with my son (Mijo)
Mom: Yes..
Pedo: and that dad has the reason. Yes, 14 years old…..yes.
Asshole !!!!
New here – what does it mean by deleted predators ? They’re in jail ? Dead ? Great work you guys ! Would love to join you !
Deleted means removed from Youtube.
This guy sucks!
I just found this on YouTube n came here. Keep doing this because if I had someone confront my abuser I’d have had a different life.
I love you guys! Hopefully this helps 🙂
Spanish to English translation with the wife-
Daughter picking up the phone: “Hi daddy!”
Pred: Hey my love. Baby, pass me your mom please. (Once the wife gets on the phone) I’m in a problem. And they want to talk to you.”
Wife: “What happened?”
Pred: “I really messed up, and came to meet with a girl who’s 14, and they got me. And they wanna hear from you..” (To PTI) “What is you wanna hear from her? Talk to her.”
Wife: How are you going to get with a minor! You Fked up like always. My god!
Pred: Yea, so..
Wife: What do you want me to do? I can’t do anything!
Pred: “Take good care of the girl, ok?”
Wife: “Ok papi.”
Pred: “Ok. Bye bye.”
Hey there fellow human 🙂
Can you please translate what Pedro says to his mom at the end?
It’s a whole lot of Spanish & I couldn’t quite transfer it to google translate, words just didn’t make sense.
Have an awesome day!
Here is the conversation:
*calls mom*
Mom: Hello
Pedo: Mommy, Good Afternoon
Mom: Yes,
Pedo: I am calling you cause I am in trouble Mommy, I put in the feet (slang for I f***ed up)
*Mom listening*
Pedo: I started a conversation with a little girl who is 14 years old, Mommy and they caught me.
*Mom distraught in Spanish*
Mom: How did you not her age?
Pedo: I did, she told me and stuff. I was in there and I fell (expression meaning “I was caught”). I was not there to harm her, she told me it was raining and walking and it broke my heart so I came…….and I was afraid…um so now..I’m caught. No, I am telling the truth, you think I’m lying…….and well that is what happened mommy.
Mom: My son, so….
Pedo: Whatever happens happens, please take care of my daughter and blessings.
Mom: call me when….
Pedo: Yes mommy I’ll call you.
Mom: are they gonna take you?
Pedo: I don’t know mommy, there is a chick but I honestly don’t know.
Mom: But are you sure you knew her age? Did the little girl tell you?
Pedo: Yes, she told me, I was talking to her in a calm way and you know….
Mom: so nothing happened what had to happened?
Pedo: No mommy, nothing, I didn’t do anything, I was respectable
Mom: You have always been respectful.
pEDO: I would tell her “baby girl” and that stuff and they take it as something bad, and I am trying explain….
Mom: But that is not how you usually talk.
Pedo: I am trying to apologize…
*PTI interjects and explains*
Pedo: The dad of the girl is here and asked me how I would feel as a father as well (in regards to this situation), and I told him that I should’ve talked with him cause the girl didn’t like… I saw the girl was mature, make she did not like being taken advantage of (mangoneado) with this and that, honestly. I because I saw this, I had to come to talk with her.
Mom: That was your mistake/error.
Pedo: but that was the error, I see good or bad thing I am in the piss. And I feel bad because what would happen with this with my son (Mijo)
Mom: Yes..
Pedo: and that dad has the reason. Yes, 14 years old…..yes.
Mom: You did not find out *inaudible*
Pedo: no mommy, No I….
*interruption by PTI*
Pedo: Ok mama, I love you and all.
Mom: call me back.
Pedo: yes, mom, I love you.
hey i was wondering are you biracial black and white